Hartke HT 12 Reviews 4

This is the HT 12 Pocket Tuner by Hartke. It is a black tuner probably the size of a pack of cigarettes or digital camera. I keep it on my desk at home so I don't have to get any of the tuners I use for gigs out. It works great for practicing

I received this as a gift. I looks like they run $18 new on Amazon and other online sites.

If offers a bunch of cool features. I really like the flip out stand on the back of the tuner. I can set it flat on my desk or angled up to give me the best viewing angle. There are 4 tuning modes; Chromatic (tunes to anything) Guitar, Bass and Violin. There is a mic as well as an input jack so you can use whichever works best for you. The Flat button allows you to go down as much as 4 half steps. Great if you're learning a song that is tuned down a half step or whole step etc. You can also hit the Note button and select any of the 12 tones and it will tune to that note. This works out great if you are tuning in an altered guitar tuning like DADGAD or something.

The accuracy could be improved. I can hear it with my ear, but I'm able to fine tune. The beginner or average player won't pickup on these subtle pitch corrections. That being said, I choose not to use this live or setup and instrument with.

The buttons are big and well marked. The display is simple to read. It is plastic, but I think this tuner could handle some mild abuse.

This tuner lives on my desk for a reason. Simple and easy to use. If I lose it, no big deal, I'd probably replace it with another one.

Billy rated this unit 4 on 2011-02-23.

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